The Studio is located downtown in the beautiful Santa Barbara Yoga Center

SB yoga center

 32 E. Micheltorena Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Parking:  I highly encourage my clients to park a few blocks away next to Alice Keck Park Memorial Gardens, and give yourself the gift of strolling through this beautiful park before and after your session.   Walking surrounded by a beautiful garden is a gentle and powerful way to integrate your session and prolong and savor the benefits of massage.  The parking on most streets next to Alice Keck Park is unlimited.  Please pay attention to street sweeping hours on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Street Parking: 90 minute parking along Micheltorena Street and unlimited street parking on surrounding streets. Parking in the 90min zone for a 2 hour session has never yet been an issue. There are areas with in a block that do not have signs noting the 90-minute time limit for all day parking. 

Parking Lots: The lots nearby are off-limits! There is a city lot nearby on Anacapa Street between Victoria and Anapamu Streets. First 75 minutes are free, $1.50 for every part or full hour after that.